• Molds

    We build and test molds according to your exact needs. We can keep the mold and make your products or sell you the mold.

  • Custom Products

    We can manufacture products to your specifications using 100% recycled materials.

  • Finished Products on the Market

    We already know what the market needs, and we're making products to best suit your industry.

  • Specialized Recycling

    Do you have a difficult-to-recyle plastic? We're the right person to recycle it.

We partner with plastics reclamation companies

We complete the chain of product development by taking the resources supplied by companies such as Ocean Legacy, and make products that can be brought to market.

35 years of high-quality recycled plastic

Making high quality plastic out of recycled plastic material is difficult, but we have refined the process over the last 35 years. We can confidently say that the plastic we use is high quality and can be applied to several different use-cases.

Sources of plastic: Ocean, Construction sites, landfills

We can intake plastic from several different sources. We can intake, refine, mold, and manufacture products from these difficult-to-recycle plastics.